I'm most active online at the places below~

Check out the new Macro City Guidebook! This is a project I'm doing with my friend Maggie to organize and document designs and best practices for building macro cities!

Hopefully as this grows we can have a good resource for many different building designs with step-by-step instructions, hopefully easy and quick enough to build several for your next macro meet! Making designs that are pretty, easy to build, and easy to travel with are our top priorities.

The guidebook is a wiki, so feel free to jump in, tidy stuff up, and submit your own designs! We also have a forum to general discussion, suggestions, etc.

Looking forward to stomping through cities with you!


I've been doing lots of printmaking recently, and it's been super fun! I've listed some prints for sale at my etsy shop, which you should check out if these look cool to you! ^^ The orange ones in particular glow super brightly under a blacklight, which I think is super rad.
